A few months ago, I photographed an engagement session at Independence Park. While I was angling the bride and groom to avoid having a ton of tourists milling around in the background, it hit me: People had traveled from all over to see this place, and here it was, practically in my backyard, and I hadn’t been there to visit since middle school. I’d shot a couple of weddings and e-sessions, but hadn’t actually walked over to the Liberty Bell, or stopped by Constitution Hall. There are so many local things I’ve been “meaning” to do, so I want to see how many of them I can check off the list! I’m including links for anyone else local to Philly/South Jersey/the Jersey Shore.
[X] Go to Longwood Gardens.
[X] Do an art project on “second Sundays” at Philly’s Magic Gardens.

[X] Walk through Batsto Village.
[ ] Get Indian food at Shamong Diner. How have my kids never eaten at a Jersey diner?!
[ ] Hang out on the nature trail and draw whatever we see.
[ ] Go “swimming” in Rubbermaid bins. (Stealing this idea from my resourceful friend Jamie.)
[ ] Go “treasure hunting” in a block of ice.
[ ] Visit Independence Park and actually see the Declaration and the Bell!
[X] Walk the High Line in NYC.
[ ] Go to the Top of the Rock. I saw a Jimmy Fallon taping at Rockefeller last year thanks to an awesome childhood friend with an extra ticket, but I’ve never gone up to the roof!

[X] Make smores in our fire pit. We’ve owned the pit for four years and haven’t made a single fire yet!
[X] Pick your own berries. This is a freebie because we do it every year 🙂
[X] Go camping. The boys went without me last year — I want in this time!
[ ] Camp in our own backyard. I mean, we live in the woods, right?
[ ] Go to the FunPlex water park.
[ ] Go to the Smith Memorial Playground in Philly and slide down the big wooden slide.
[X] Do “Boo at the Zoo” at the Philadelphia Zoo. The boys loved this last year.
[X] Go back to “Day Out with Thomas” at Strasburg Railroad and Cherry Crest Adventure Farm in Ronks.